Hollywood thinks i'm crazy
Stereotypes are ill conceived perceptions of certain groups of people
or things.
Probably every person has at one stage or another looked at someone and
made their own judgements. I for one am so guilty of this. I don’t do it maliciously but one of my favourite things to
do is to sit on a bench, watch people walk by and make up stories and imagine their life. I’m stereotyping these people
based on what they look like, the way they carry themselves and how they speak. I’m judging them.

According to the media and Hollywood I am completely crazy potential axe murderer that could, at any time, go on a spree of revenge with my 'multiple personalities’. Some doctors think I have an extremely rare and unique illness that is hardly recognised.
None of this is true. It is a perceived judgement from
people who are misinformed about dissociative disorders due to
Hollywood stereotypes among other offenders.
Let’s shine some light on some of these judgements and misconceptions.
“An extreme
DID affects 1-3% of
the population. Doesn't sound like a lot right? Well just 1% of the population is 75 million - mind blown or what?! And that is
just the lower end of the estimate, not even taking into account those
who are yet to be diagnosed. That’s like everyone in England,
Ireland, Scotland and Wales being supposedly ‘unstable’. If we were all axe murderers then
B&Q would be doing a lot more business.
DID is not a personality disorder
or psychotic illness. It is a coping mechanism that a child forms to survive when faced with severe and prolonged abuse from a very young
age. Someone with DID does not have multiple personalities as it was once believed many moons ago. Someone with DID has alters, altered
states of consciousness. Each alter is a part of the
whole person or 'host.'
These alters can be any age or gender and may have different likes and
interests. One alter may like tomatoes and another may not. One may identify as having
blonde hair another red.
“Hearing Voices”
Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is NOT schizophrenia! Yes at
times there are internal voices but these are not delusions or hallucinations
as in schizophrenia. These voices - sometimes described as loud thoughts are often
the monologue from other alters/parts that are present inside.
So next time you come across someone that may be a little different,
remember not to assume that the Hollywood representation is true to life. Not all is as it seems. I am not crazy.
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