Break the shell


Over the last few weeks there has been lots of shell breaking (mainly chocolate shells, mainly egg shaped shells!!!)

However there is another kind of shell I have been breaking, and that is the shell that I have been living in. I am making a change, a big change! By some stroke of luck, a miracle, a metaphorical kick up the bum I have managed to apply for a job, attend the interview and be offered said job.  I have come to the end of working with many who have supported me over the years, and I have actively sort therapy with someone who will hopefully help all of me.

For the last 5 years I have tried many many times to succeed at education and applied for many jobs that have ultimately fallen through due to my difficulties.

 Being in the position of starting work may make you believe that from now on everything will be better, it will be easier because surely if you can work and have left certain mental health services then your "better." However this is where the super hard work begins, standing on your own two feet, you have a choice to live and truly be Alive. You have to find your own strength to fight and break that shell, after all a bird cannon fly until the shell is broken.

The support I have received has been incredible over the years, however everything must come to an end eventually. Thats the thing about life theres beginnings, endings and messy but beautiful middles too.

Life has many lessons and life hurts a lot of the time, but its meant to be felt. We can become reliant on routine, order, and familiarity leaving us stagnant and unable to grow. No one is to blame for becoming stuck in a rut or relying on familiarity, its human to become complacent with where we are in life. We encase a shell of comfort around us, snuggled inside knowing exactly where we are and what we are doing - although we may not be truly living our best life. If you don't try to break that shell, you will never know how much you are capable of, how much you can grow.

You may not succeed straight away, there may be bumps (many bumps) in the road ahead but there will be a day where you can say 'I did it' and that is worth all the uncertainty of breaking the shell.


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