Christmas 2018


Christmas is fast approaching and I’m both excited and apprehensive. This time last year My mental health was on a rapid decline which culminated in a hospital admission. I wasn’t functioning, I was rarely present, parts were fronting more than ever and I was ultimately sectioned for my own good. 

While inpatient it was made clear that one of my parts finds Christmas extremely difficult lonely and frightening. Which co insides with the decline in my mental health around this time of year. 

So for the first time, this Christmas, I’m going to be extra kind to my self, all of me, and try to comfort and self sooth as much as possible. It’s hard to think that for someone who loves Christmas SO much, my god I love it!!! there’s also a part of me that is unable to cope with or enjoy the festivities and that makes me sad. 

Here are 3 things I will be doing this Christmas.... 

  1. Remove the expectation that Christmas must be perfect and involve a happy loving family. Christmas can take any form, it can include 20 people or just 1, 10 presents or none. 
  2. It’s ok to not like Christmas and I’m going to be trying so so hard to find ways for J to still have something fun to do in the next couple of weeks that are not Christmas related. 
  3. Enjoy the little things. The crisp fresh mornings with birds singing and hopefully snow falling!

happy December! 

C x 


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