People come and go
there are 1440 minutes in 24 hours, 365 days in a year. In each of these 24 hours, we are able to achieve, create, inspire, love and be kind. Each day we meet new people, each day there is a possibility that we will develop a new friendship, a new love interest, a new companion or a new person to say hi to on the bus.
The effect we have on people can be pinhead small or milky way big, but an effect none the less. In this big crazy world, it is so easy to become disheartened and discouraged about who we are as individuals. We may not look the same, act the same or have weird quirks and differences that make us, well, US, and that's ok.
When living with such a stereotyped disorder like DID it is easy to get caught up in all the 'what ifs'
what if they think I'm weird
what if something goes wrong
what if I never make friends
so you hide, you hide from the world and desperately try to conceal the real you.
until one day you come across someone who couldn't give two poops about your weirdness, your quirks, your differences. They restore your hope in the world we live in, restore your worth and love for who you are. They throw their arms out and say come however you are, you are you, and you are fabulous! And what a feeling that is, to finally be accepted, not shamed, and not looked upon any differnetly.
When faced with such acceptance and compassion it allows you to begin to grow, to shake off all of those insecurities and become who you were always meant to be.
there are 1440 minutes in 24 hours, 365 days in a year. In each of these 24 hours, we are able to achieve, create, inspire, love and be kind. Each day we meet new people, each day there is a possibility that we will develop a new friendship, a new love interest, a new companion or a new person to say hi to on the bus.
The effect we have on people can be pinhead small or milky way big, but an effect none the less. In this big crazy world, it is so easy to become disheartened and discouraged about who we are as individuals. We may not look the same, act the same or have weird quirks and differences that make us, well, US, and that's ok.
When living with such a stereotyped disorder like DID it is easy to get caught up in all the 'what ifs'
what if they think I'm weird
what if something goes wrong
what if I never make friends
so you hide, you hide from the world and desperately try to conceal the real you.

When faced with such acceptance and compassion it allows you to begin to grow, to shake off all of those insecurities and become who you were always meant to be.
The woman whom I love and admire for there strength and grace
did not get there because shit worked out.they got that way because
shit went wrong, and they handled it. they handled it a thousand different
ways on a thousand different days, but they handled it.
those women are my superheroes.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
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