What did i do?


I made a dinosaur out of playdoh. I cried because someone touched my shoulder. I threw a strop because I had to carry a hand bag. I drew a portrait of myself dressed as a super hero. I read Romeo and Juliet and have now started reading jane Eyre.

I didn’t do any of these things, although my body did. The blanks in my mind have to be filled in by others, or I have to become Sherlock and connect the clues myself, both at times can be difficult to hear. Every single day I do something I don’t remember. Whether that’s talking to a friend about my new shoes or playing in my room with a Lego set. It’s a scary and vulnerable position to be in, but a position that often gives me great insight and compassion towards other people.

I can build relationships that come with no judgment, because how could I dare judge someone when I myself so desperately want to be accepted.
I can have different levels of friendship with the same person, who appreciates each alters own unique personality.

I can barely draw a stick man one day yet produce a fantastic sketch of my garden the next.
I’m unable to speak a word one moment and then don’t stop talking the next.

There will always be a level of uncertainty to my life, but one I have to trust and learn to embrace and hope those around me can embrace that too.


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